What to Consider when Bolstering Your Airport’s Perimeter Defense?

Perimeter Security for Airports

 It’s never easy to secure an airport’s perimeter, but it’s made even more difficult when officials implement incorrect security protocols and when professionals fail to install the correct perimeter security solutions.

For example, traditional perimeter protection measures—typically analog solutions or ones that used ground and motion sensors, short distance radar and motion sensitive wires—could not always differentiate between an intruder and a nonthreatening animal or person, such as a nearby pedestrian walking close by. As you can imagine, there always existed a real possibility these solutions would falsely alert airport security personnel or, at minimum, fail to warn employees about threats in a timely manner. This forced officials to follow “bread crumbs” and piece together disjointed stories well after the fact.

Today, many businesses use network video solutions, which not only provide clean, crisp video footage but are more apt to accurately notify employees when they’re needed.

Here’s what to consider when purchasing network security solutions for airport perimeter protection:

It takes a team effort to secure a perimeter:
Unfortunately, many facilities employ solutions that work in isolation, resulting in airport security employees discovering breaches after they’ve happened. It’s imperative to install cameras, solutions and software that work together in harmony.

Crime doesn’t sleep:
During early morning or evening, a perimeter is extremely vulnerable to criminals who might use low light as a cloak to secretly breach airports. This can be problematic to security personnel who want or need to identify culprits by the color of their attire. In this case, it’s important to use cameras that use specialized lenses and software so the solutions can detect objects and color in high resolution and in poor lighting.

For airports, these types of systems are particularly useful, especially when simply deterring a criminal with a loud horn isn’t enough. In the age of terrorism, it’s imperative airport security or other regulatory bodies immediately discern who the perpetrator is or, at the very least, identify characteristics so personnel can locate the suspect in short work.

Don’t waste money on faulty security solutions:
Install a security solution that provides a higher degree of detection and tracking capabilities in multiple environments and situations.

Finally, it’s important to consider installing solutions that employees can use remotely. Personnel who can operate a perimeter defense solution on their phone or laptop while in the breakroom sipping their morning coffee suddenly become just as essential to an airport’s perimeter protection as those who are observing monitors in a control room.

Protecting an airport’s perimeter is difficult. However, by recognizing and understanding its complexities, professionals can stay away from using the wrong solutions and instead opt for comprehensive systems that fit their airport’s specific needs.

Source: Axis

05 Perimeter Security for Airports

Perimeter Security for Storage Facilities.

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